söndag 4 december 2011

Christmas week 50-51

1. Read about Christmas around the world. Choose a country and read about it 2 and 2. translate it 2 and 2 orally.
2. Exercises to do with Christmas
Christmas worksheets

3. Watch "A Christams Carol" by Charles Dickens. Your teacher has it on CD.

4. Write Rhymes for Christmas gifts. 

Choose what the present is.
Think about why you have picked this present and for who.
Write down a text that rhymes that you could place on the Christmas present.
This site will help you rhyme: www.rhymer.com
Make as many Christmas presents with rhymes as you have time for and hand them in to you teacher.
When everybody has finished this task:  Guess what the Christmas presents are.

5. Listen to a Christmas story
Silent Night

lördag 26 november 2011

Music v. 48-49

1. Interview a friend about his or her music interest.
Present the answers orally to the class either by recording yourself or live in front of the class.

These are the questions:
What sort of music do you prefer to listen to?
Do you listen to a certain kind of music when you are happy, sad, angry, work out etc?
How important is music for you? Motivate!
What band/singer would you like to watch live? Why?
Is there any kind of music that you do not like to listen to?
How many hours a day do you listen to music?
Do you have a favourite band/singer? If so, what is so special about it/him/her?
How often, where and when do you sing yourself?
Can you play a musical instrument?
If so, what do you play?
How long have you been playing?
If you could start a band, what type of music would you play? Why?

Write like this: I have interviewed ……...

2. Choose a English lyric and analyse it! Search the Internet for info about the artist!
This is a writing task that you are going to hand in to your teacher!

Copy the lyrics into pages.

Answer the questions like this: The lyric is about…….the message is……. When I listen to……..

What is the lyrics about?
Who is it about?
What is the message?
What do you feel/think of when you listen to it?
Do you have any special memory connected to this song that you want to share?

Find out some facts about the band/artist!
Home country
What made him/her/them famous?
If there is a story behind the song. Ex. When and why he or she created the song?
Latest news/interesting news about him/her/them.

Facts artists 

Write your name and class and save it as ”My song”. Hand it in on schoolsoft!

3. Practice words to do with music.
Music words
Music beginner words

4. Listen to conversations about music and be prepared to tell the teacher what it was all about.

Interview with a music group 

5. Reading
Rihanna Quiz 

onsdag 9 november 2011

Pedagogisk planering v. 45- 48

Pedagogisk planering i engelska för årskurs 7
Arbetsområde: Music and Movies
Tid: 4 veckor

Förankring i kursplanen- syftet med undervisningen
Genom undervisningen i ämnet engelska ska eleverna sammanfattningsvis ges förutsättningar att utveckla sin förmåga att:
  • Förstå och tolka innehållet i talad engelska och i olika slags texter,
  • Formulera sig och kommunicera i tal och skrift,
  • Använda språkliga strategier för att förstå och göra sig förstådda, 
  • Anpassa språket efter olika syften, mottagare och sammanhang

    Konkretiserade mål för arbetsområdet
    Kunna skriva och utföra intervjuer.
    Läsa och analysera innehåll i musiktexter.
    Lyssna och se på film samt analysera innehållet muntligt och skriftligt.
    Läsa och ta del av innehållet i nyhetsartiklar om kända personer inom film och musik.
    Bearbeta sina texter utifrån genomgångar och övningar i grammatik.

    Se ”Whale Rider” och analysera innehållet skriftligt och muntligt.
    Läsa och ta del av innehållet i text om huvudrollsinnehavaren i Whale Rider.
    Jobba med ordförrådet inom området film.
    Lyssna till keynote om New Zealand.
    Skriva och berätta om en film de sett.
    Öva på att stärka svagheter eleverna har i grammatik.
    Intervjua en klasskompis om hans/hennes musikintresse samt muntligt berätta om intervjun för klassen/gruppen.
    Analysera innehållet skriftligt i en av elev vald sångtext.
    Söka fakta på internet om vald artist/grupp och skriva ned den med egna ord.
    Jobba med ordförrådet inom området musik.
    Lyssna till samtal om musik och redogöra för innehållet.

    Muntliga, skriftliga uppgifter som testar reception (läs- och hörförståelse) samt produktion och interaktion (tala, skriva, samtala).
    (Se bedömningsmatris i denna blogg)

    Alla inlämningsuppgifter samt muntliga redovisningar kommer att dokumenteras i schoolsoft

    onsdag 2 november 2011

    söndag 23 oktober 2011

    v. 45- 47 Film study

    We are going to watch "Whale Rider"and discuss the content. (Photo taken from: femail.com.)
    Before we do this we are going to find out more about the actress, Keisha Castle-Hughes.

    Go to schoolsoft and download the file about her! 
    Read the text and work with the exercises!

    Every lesson we watch a part of the movie and discuss it with the help of this PDF document:

    Whale Rider discussion PDF
    Exercises to do with movies:
    Movie Lessons

    Words to practice: movie (glosor.eu)

    More exercises comes later.......... 

    After watching the film

    1. Read about Keisha, 2 and 2, and work with the
    exercise. (schoolsoft)
    2. Watch/listen to a keynote presentation about New Zealand. (your teacher has it)

    3. Write!

    What sort of movies do you like?
    Horror, drama, comedy, action, adventure, cartoons, animated, thrillers.
    Do you have a favourite actor/actress?
    One of the best movies you have seen.
    Are there any kind of movie you don’t like?
    If so, what kind?
    Why do you dislike it?

    A movie you have seen:

    What kind of movie is it?
    Who has the main part?
    Who is it about?
    How does it begin?
    What happens?
    How does it end?
    What did you think of it? Why?
    Who do you recommend it to and why?

    4. Speak: Sit in groups of 4. Tell the group about the things you have written about in exercise 3.


    söndag 16 oktober 2011

    v. 43 Pets

    Pet project

    You are going to create a keynote presentation about one of the topics below.

    1. Choose one and write down facts about it with the help of the questions.
    2. Find or take pictures that you can use in your keynote.
    3. Write down the information in a pages document.
    4. You can only write down some main points in your keynote. (bara stödord)
    5. Present it to your class/group orally with the help of the questions only.

    My pet
    How old is it?
    Where did you get it from?
    Who takes care of it?
    What does it look like (colour, breed, etc.)?
    What do you feed it?
    Do you play with it?
    What does your pet need to be happy?
    What is it's name? How did you choose this name?
    Does it know any tricks or understand any words?
    What are the pros and cons of your pet?
    How much does it cost to keep your pet?
    Funny things that has happened to your pet.
    Have you had any other pets?
    What have you learned from having this pet?
    Search the Internet for fun facts about your pet and write them down!

    My dream pet
    What kind of pet is it?
    Why would you choose this pet?
    Would you choose a male or a female? Why?
    What does it look like?
    What does it eat?
    What does this pet need to be happy?
    What would you name it? Why this name?
    What are the pros and cons of this pet?
    How much does it cost to buy it?
    What should you think about before getting this pet?
    Search the Internet for fun facts about your dream pet and write them down!

    Exercises to work with
    (do these in the order they are placed)
    work with words
    mixed up sentences
    match sentences with words
    listen and fill in the missing words

    Talk about pets 2 and 2

    söndag 9 oktober 2011

    Traditions Halloween v.42

    There are many traditions in Britain.
    We are going to work with Halloween and how it is celebrated.

    Watch a video with your teacher, answer questions and learn more!

    Here are some exercises that you are going to work with

    1. Listening exercise: Jack o lantern answer the questions below:

    Why did Jack want the Devil to turn into a coin?
    Why couldn’t the Devil change back into his orignal form?
    What was it that the Devil had to promise Jack?
    What did Jack do with the Devil next?
    Why didn’t God want Jack in heaven?
    What happened to Jack in the end?
    What is a turnip and what did Jack use it for?

    2. Reading: Get from schoolsoft = Halloween in Britain

    3. Words
    words - pictures
    learn the meaning of the words
    Picture - write the word
    Halloween games etc
    write the missing word (intermediate)

    4. Reading comprehension. It is called: Haunted House Reading and Writing  
    halloween worksheets 

    5. Speak: work 2 and 2
    halloween - discussion hämta på schoolsoft

    6. Halloween music video - fill in the gaps
    halloween song

    7. Create a short story = story  

    Get from Schoolsoft:
    Halloween rhymes
    Monster riddles

    9. For the fast one. Listen or read
     Top ten scary stories 


    lördag 1 oktober 2011

    British food

    This is what you will practice:

    What sort of food that is typical for Britain.
    What phrases that are used when you order food at a restaurant.
    The English names of various dishes and beverages?
    Do's and don'ts at the dinner table.


    Work with words and phrases in different exercises.

    1. Create a conversation at a restaurant between two or more persons and record it. Use the menu below as well as useful phrases.
    Use at least 20 phrases including answers. (Använd minst 20 fraser, svaren inräknade)
    Share it with your teacher! (använd dela-funktionen på datorn för att lämna in)
    Useful phrases at the restaurant

    2. Practice words "Food" (glosor: Food)

    3. Read about British food and table manners. 
    (Hämta dokumentet om British Food på schoolsoft och jobba med det!)

    4. Listen to texts/dialogues about food.
    Listening exercise 1Listening exercise 2 

    5. For the fast one
    (hämta fil på schoolsoft Food fördjupning)

    Want to practice some more? Have a look at my other blog ( min språkvalsengelska)

    food 1
    food 2
    food 3 (not so easy)

    söndag 25 september 2011

    Describing my home

    Write down a description of your home.
    These are the things that you have to include in your description:

    The type or house you live in.
    What it looks like on the outside.
    Garden? If so describe it!
    The different rooms.
    Your room (colour, wallpapers, furniture, curtains etc.)
    The surrounding area around your home.

    Use these words in your description:

    next to
    on top of
    in front

    How? In pages. Text size = 12-14.
    Hand it in on schoolsoft.

    Practice the vocabulary you need to do this task = house and furniture. You find the links next to this text

    söndag 4 september 2011

    Arbetsområde Britain år 7

    Pedagogisk planering i engelska för årskurs 7

    Arbetsområde: Britain
    Tid: v. 36-43 (8 veckor)

    Förankring i kursplanen / långsiktiga mål

    Genom undervisningen i ämnet engelska ska eleverna sammanfattningsvis ges förutsättningar att utveckla sin förmåga att
    • förstå och tolka innehållet i talad engelska och i olika slags texter,
    • formulera sig och kommunicera i tal och skrift,
    • använda språkliga strategier för att förstå och göra sig förstådda, 
    • anpassa språket efter olika syften, mottagare och sammanhang, och  
    • reflektera över livsvillkor, samhällsfrågor och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och delar av världen där engelska används.

    Centralt innehåll - Konkretiserade mål för arbetsområdet

    Under första delen av terminen jobbar vi med England-Storbritannien för att lära känna deras kultur, traditioner, levnadssätt m.m. och göra jämförelser med våra egen kultur.
    De områden vi djupdyker i är:
    traditioner och kultur

    Muntliga, skriftliga uppgifter som testar reception (läs- och hörförståelse) samt produktion och interaktion (tala, skriva, samtala).
    Eleverna får ta del av exempeltexter som visar på de olika kunskapsnivåerna.

    Eleverna skall under detta arbetsområde:
    • Utvidga sitt ordförråd när det gäller skola, familj, kläder och utseende, boende, fritid, mat och traditioner.
    • Skapa och använda dialoger i matsituationer.
    • Skriva och muntligt berätta om sin familj.
    • Intervjua klasskamrater om deras skolgång och fritid.
    • Beskriva människors utseende och kläder.
    • Beskriva sitt hem och närmiljön.
    • Skapa en berättelse om något i anknytning till Halloween.
    • Granska och korrigera sina texter för att bli säkrare på grammatik.
    • All undervisning sker med stöd av dator där eleverna utvecklar sina kunskaper om hur de använder hjälpmedel, program, internet m.m. i inlärning och utveckling av ämnet.
    • Undervisningen läggs upp på olika nivåer. Alla texter finns i datorn vilket underlättar för de som behöver lyssna till dem. Eleverna kan välja nivå på läxor samt uppgifter.
    • Eleverna kan utifrån en ram av uppgifter själv bestämma nivå samt vilken ordning de ska göra uppgifterna. De får vara med och välja arbetskamrater vid grupparbeten.


    Varje uppgift eleverna lämnar in gås igenom av mig som lärare. Uppgifterna bedöms och de får skriftlig respons på saker de behöver förbättra via schoolsoft.

    tisdag 24 maj 2011


    Some of the Biggest Liars in History

    Most of us have told a white lie – those harmless lies that are told in order to be tactful or polite. For example, when your mother-in-law buys you a truly hideous jumper for Christmas, the best thing is to smile and say, “It’s lovely!” And everyone knows that the answer to the question, “Do these trousers make me look fat?” is “No, of course not”– whether it’s true or not.

    But those are white lies. Little lies. Very different from big lies, which can take over the lives of the people who tell them, and very often have a serious effect on other people as well. The problem with big lies is that they’re much more difficult to keep up. In the end, “the truth will come out”, as the phrase goes. And when that happens, the liar will have to pay the price. And sometimes, the price can be very high indeed.

    Bernard Madoff an American former stock broker

    Take Bernard Madoff for example. His “big lie” has earned him a 150-year jail sentence, the maximum sentence in the United States. Considered by many to be the biggest fraudster of all time, Madoff operated a Ponzi scheme that finally cost investors $18 billion. Of course these schemes always fail in the end, because when there are no real profits, the money will run out sooner or later. Madoff’s scam was exposed by the economic slump of 2008, and now he’s got plenty of time to reflect on the dangers of telling people “big lies”.

    But despite the risks, some people can’t resist telling lies. And in many cases, greed is the motive. That was certainly the case with John and Anne Darwin, who told one of the most outrageous lies of recent times and nearly got away with it. John Darwin was apparently killed in a tragic canoeing accident off the coast of Hartlepool in North England. An extensive search found the wreckage of his canoe but no John; and Anne Darwin’s tears convinced everyone – including their own children – that she was a grieving widow. When Anne Darwin collected a life insurance payment of £150,000, most people felt it was the least she deserved.

    But when John Darwin turned up five years later, claiming amnesia and was joyfully reunited with his wife, suspicions were raised. The couple’s “big lie” finally came unstuck when a picture of them together in Panama in 2006 was discovered. It turned out that John Darwin had been hiding in their house the whole time.

    The Darwins were intending to use the insurance pay-off to buy a hotel in Panama. Ironically enough, they wanted to organise canoeing holidays! When Anne Darwin was finally charged in 2007, she reportedly said, “My sons will never forgive me.” If those were her actual words, they were probably the truest ones she’d uttered in years.


    hideous adj terrible/horrible
    to take over phr vb att dominera
    to keep up phr vb if you “keep up” a lie, you continue acting as if that lie is true
    to come out phr vb sanningen kommer ut
    a Ponzi scheme n ett sorts bedrägeri som tillåter att man använder pengarna från nya investerare till att betala gamla investerare.
    a scam n a trick to make money dishonestly
    the economic slump n a period of poor economic activity
    greed n the desire for more and more of something
    to get away with something exp to do something bad and not get caught
    canoeing n a sport that involves travelling in a small narrow boat by using a paddle (a short pole with a wide flat part at the end)
    a tear n an amount of liquid that comes out of your eyes when you're crying
    grieving adj someone who is “grieving” is in a state of sadness because of a recent death a widow n a woman whose husband has died
    to turn up phr vb to appear
    to forgive vb if you “forgive” someone, you stop being angry with them
    to utter vb if you “utter” something, you say it

    Read the article once. What two examples of big lies does the writer give?
    Read the article again and answer the questions.

    What two examples of white lies does the writer give?
    How much did Madoff’s scam cost investors?
    How long has Madoff got to reflect on his big lie?
    What did people initially think had happened to John Darwin?
    What excuse did John Darwin give when he finally turned up?
    What did the Darwins plan to do with the money?

    söndag 1 maj 2011

    LPP Bokstudie engelska år 9

    Utveckla sin förmåga att:
    Använda engelska för att kommunicera i tal och skrift.
    Läsa olika slags texter för upplevelser och information.
    Uttrycka sig varierat och säkert i skrift för att berätta, beskriva och förklara samt motivera sina åsikter och tankar.
    Analysera, bearbeta och förbättra språket mot allt större variation och säkerhet.
    Planera, genomföra och utvärdera uppgifter, på egen hand.

    Läsa en valfri engelsk bok.
    Skriva läsjournal
    Att ta med i beskrivning:
    Vad vet du om personerna i berättelsen?
    Var utspelar sig handlingen?
    Vad har hänt? Varför?
    Hur reagerar de?
    Analysera deras tankar och åsikter.
    Hur tar de itu med problem?
    Skriv gärna ned dina egna tankar om det du läst. ex. Hur du tror att du
    hade reagerat, gjort m.m. Planera, genomföra och utvärdera arbetet med boken.
    Bearbeta skriftspråket i läsjournalen.



    Kunna läsa och tillgodogöra sig innehållet i enklare skönlitterära och andra berättande, beskrivande och argumenterande texter som behandlar kända ämnesområden.
    Kunna ge information i skrift samt berätta och beskriva något.
    Kunna, på egen hand planera och genomföra arbetsuppgifter samt därvid dra slutsatser av sitt arbete.

    Väl godkänt

    Eleven läser, tillägnar sig och kommenterar lättlästa texter, både sådana på sakprosa och skönlitteratur.
    Eleven skriver varierat och med sammanhang.

    Mycket väl godkänt
    Eleven tillgodogör sig innehållet i texter av varierande längd, kommenterar dem och drar slutsatser.
Eleven uttrycker sig med språkligt flyt, variation och sammanhang.

    tisdag 11 januari 2011

    World War 2

    During this semester we are going to find out more about World War 2. We are going to learn about the resistance, Anne Frank and Raoul Wallenberg and what they did during the war.

    You are going to practice new words, reading and listening comprehension, writing, grammar and talking.
    Hope you will enjoy it! : )