söndag 29 januari 2012

Week 5-6 Myths and Legends

When you have finished recording your fable it's time for som myts and legends.
During this week you are going to listen to myths and legends, work with words and phrases and practice speaking.

Watch and listen to " The Witch in The Bottle"

Work with words and phrases. Choose level (svårighetsgrad).

Original text (intermediate level): text + document on Schoolsoft with exercises.
Simpler text: Go to Schoolsoft and get the document!

Read through the text and do the exercises!

3. Interview a friend! Write down the answers!
  • Which story was your favorite when you were younger?
  • What is your favourite type of book now?
Science Fiction
Children's books

  • How many books have you read in your life?
  • How many hours do you spend reading in a week?
  • How often do you go to the library?
  • How important is the cover of the book.
  • Most people say the book is better than the movie. Is this true for you?
  • Do you enjoy reading books at school? Why/ Why Not?
  • Is there a book that you have read more than once?
  • What was the title?
  • How many times did you read it?
  • What is your favorite book of all time?
  • Have you ever tried to read a book in English?

(hämtat från/taken from:  http://iteslj.org/questions/books.html )
    4. Make a presentation for the class!
    You can choose between these:

    Keynote with pictures, text and sound.
    Recording the interview with or without picture.
    Writing down a text that you read for the class.

    For teachers:
    Folk tales
    myths and legends 

    fredag 13 januari 2012

    week 3-4 Fables

    1. Read  3 fables and work with the exercises. (on schoolsoft)

    2. Choose a message/ saying (ordspråk) and write your own fable on your own or with a friend.
    Record it (photo booth). Hand in to teacher!
    The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
    Don't bite the hand that feeds you
    Don’t count your chicken before they are hatched
    It's no use crying over spilt milk
    Let sleeping dogs lie
    Look before you leap
    Don’t judge a book by its cover
    The apple never falls far from the tree
    The best things in life are free
    The leopard does not change his spots
    There's no place like home
    Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
    When the cat's away the mice will play
    You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar

    3. Practice fairy tale words:
    fairy tale words

    fredag 6 januari 2012

    The first theme of the year 2012

    We are now going to study fairy tales and other stories. These things are what you are going to practice:

    • Read/listen to fairy tales, fables, myths and folk tales.
    • Learn about some famous authors.
    • Write reviews of stories.
    • Present stories orally.
    • Translate famous stories from Swedish to English.
    • Study new words and phrases.
    • Practice grammar for example verbs and other things that you find difficult.
    • Watch stories and make reflexions about them in writing or orally.
    • Write a story on your own or with a friend.

      Pedagogisk planering i engelska för årskurs 7
      Arbetsområde: Fairy tales, fables and legends
      Tid: 4 veckor

      Förankring i kursplanen- syftet med undervisningen
      Genom undervisningen i ämnet engelska ska eleverna sammanfattningsvis ges förutsättningar att utveckla sin förmåga att:
      Förstå och tolka innehållet i talad engelska och i olika slags texter,
      Formulera sig och kommunicera i tal och skrift,
      Använda språkliga strategier för att förstå och göra sig förstådda,
      Anpassa språket efter olika syften, mottagare och sammanhang

      Konkretiserade mål för arbetsområdet
      Kunna skriva och utföra intervjuer.
      Läsa och analysera innehåll i sagor, legender och fabler.
      Lyssna och se på sagor, fabler och legender samt analysera innehållet muntligt och skriftligt.
      Läsa och ta del av innehållet i faktatext om en känd författare.
      Bearbeta sina texter utifrån genomgångar och övningar i grammatik.

      Se ”The Ugly Duckling” och redogöra för innehållet skriftligt.
      Läsa och ta del av innehållet i text om H.C Andersen.
      Jobba med ordförrådet inom området berättelser.
      Skriva en fabel och göra en ljudinspelning av den.
      Öva på att stärka svagheter eleverna har i grammatik.
      Intervjua en klasskompis om böcker samt muntligt redovisa intervjun (får välja mellan 3 alternativ).
      Läsa och analysera innehållet i tre fabler.
      Se en sägen och jobba med innehållet utifrån uppgifter.

      Muntliga, skriftliga uppgifter som testar reception (läs- och hörförståelse) samt produktion och interaktion (tala, skriva, samtala).
      (Se bedömningsmatris i denna blogg)

      Alla inlämningsuppgifter samt muntliga redovisningar kommer att dokumenteras i schoolsoft


      We begin with fairy tales and the famous author H.C Andersen.
      1. Go to schoolsoft and open the document called H.C Andersen! You find 2. Choose the one that suits you best!
      Read about H.C Andersen 2 and 2 both in English and in Swedish.
      Translate sentences. (the sentences are below the text about H.C Andersen)

      2. Words to practice to this task =
      H.C Andersen words
      H.C Andersen lägre nivå 

      3. Watching

      Watch the fairy tale and write a review of it.

      The Ugly Duckling part 1 (10 Min)

      The Ugly Duckling part 2 (10 Min) 
      The Ugly Duckling part 3 (10 min) 

      In your review:

      Title of the fairy tale?    

      Setting (var utspelar sig sagan/ plats)? 
      Main Characters, describe them/he or she. 
      What is the problem in this fairy tale? 
      What did the main character have to do in order to overcome the problem?
      How did the fairy tale end? 
      What did you think of it? Why?

      4. Work with simple present (grammar) on my grammar blog.

      More listening:

      children's books online