söndag 16 oktober 2011

v. 43 Pets

Pet project

You are going to create a keynote presentation about one of the topics below.

  1. Choose one and write down facts about it with the help of the questions.
  2. Find or take pictures that you can use in your keynote.
  3. Write down the information in a pages document.
  4. You can only write down some main points in your keynote. (bara stödord)
  5. Present it to your class/group orally with the help of the questions only.

My pet
How old is it?
Where did you get it from?
Who takes care of it?
What does it look like (colour, breed, etc.)?
What do you feed it?
Do you play with it?
What does your pet need to be happy?
What is it's name? How did you choose this name?
Does it know any tricks or understand any words?
What are the pros and cons of your pet?
How much does it cost to keep your pet?
Funny things that has happened to your pet.
Have you had any other pets?
What have you learned from having this pet?
Search the Internet for fun facts about your pet and write them down!

My dream pet
What kind of pet is it?
Why would you choose this pet?
Would you choose a male or a female? Why?
What does it look like?
What does it eat?
What does this pet need to be happy?
What would you name it? Why this name?
What are the pros and cons of this pet?
How much does it cost to buy it?
What should you think about before getting this pet?
Search the Internet for fun facts about your dream pet and write them down!

Exercises to work with
(do these in the order they are placed)
work with words
mixed up sentences
match sentences with words
listen and fill in the missing words

Talk about pets 2 and 2

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